Testimonials - Jane Fiori

It's been a delight

The fear
It took me many years to take the plunge to do the kitchen –It clearly needed to be done but  I feared the expense, that Id be ‘bullied’ into what I didn’t want or afford. and that surely I could do the design element far better myself!


The result once plunge faced up to

My kitchen was completed just as the pandemic kicked in and I still walk in every morning re-delighted – Diane’s  magic: It works so well as a kitchen, it is absolutely ‘me’ but equally not what I would have done!  Why oh why  didn’t I take my friends advice earlier (who also have a wonderful Diane designed kitchen)


So Why  is Diane so special

Diane’s many skills  starts with not delivering ‘cookie cut’  kitchens – she  really listens and absorbs your particular needs and style – and is able to translate them into the finished kitchen. (its why my friends kitchen is wonderful for them but nothing like mine)

The magic then builds by adding to the mix her knowledge of what is possible and adding solutions you never thought were possible – but oh so possible and oh so appropriate (both structural and  design- wise)

Budget wise she remained aware of what I could and couldn’t afford – and managed the balance  of convincing me where it is ok compromising (eg not always selecting and recommending  the most expensive finishes, perfectly happy to let you keep existing equipment if works) but  where worth splashing out (in my case that yellow fronted dream cooker and that amazing ‘larder’ ) .


You  want and need and get Diane but  it is a team

With Diane came a team who are used to working  with Diane and to Diane’s standards.   

Timewise she and her team kept to the schedule as planned

They worked well with my builders – speaking to them as job progressed. She can recommend but in my case I already also had a great solution   

A mix of in person and by remote control she subtly held my hand as the kitchen took shape, and reassured or adjusted as required  

And even to the very end  her ‘eagle eye’  picked out  finishing issues —- and her final master stroke was suggesting  using a table she had seen somewhere else in my house – oh so right


Its been a delight ! The Result, the process and the cost

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