Testimonials - Kevin Brookes

My husband and I met Diane at the Grand Designs Live 2017 for a 30 mins consultation. When we turned up to the show the first thing we did was make a b-line to the designers section to try and book an appointment with a designer, ideally with Diane as we had read her great reviews and she has won many awards for her fantastic work. Unfortunately when we turned up, the lady at the desk said she was fully booked, however luckily for us as the lady was telling us this Diane was walking past and told us she could see us at the end of the show.We are in the process of building our house however we have been unhappy with the layout of the house and we’ve been struggling to visualise how we would live in the house and once Diane saw our plans she immediately understood where we were coming from. After studying the plans, Diane completed rejigged the floor plans and we have adopted all her ideas, without her help we wouldn’t be as excited as we now are with the build of the house.
Thank you Diane, not only are we grateful that you went out of your way to meet with us, you were also very friendly and personable.

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