Testimonials - Rezica Goldman

Our wonderful space for our family to enjoy

Dear Diane

How are you ? I haven’t been in touch for a while. I’ve been spending lots of time in our gorgeous kitchen learning how to entertain in a larger grander space. It’s been wonderful. Since enjoying preparing meals for our large family and groups of friends I have been so busy since the Jewish new year. We are now entering another festival. Cooking with my new ovens and baking at the larger wide island has been bliss. The fridges have also been filled with yummy festive treats. The sinks have been great for me. Since our last meeting we have purchased some couches and a new light and painted out dining room. The chairs are dining chairs are arriving this week and the bar stools will be arriving next week. 

Thank you Diane  Berry and your team for designing a wonderful space for our family and friends to enjoy our festive days. 

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